
We have bees!

Headed out after work today to pick up 16,000 of my new best friends. Driving home with that many bees in the car was pretty cool. They were pretty loud at first, but after 5-10 min they had settled down. Once I got home, Cathy and I started to prepare to install them into their new home. It was flawless. We filled up the frame feeders and put in some pollen patties to keep them fed and happy. Once they […]

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Adventures in Beekeeping

Last fall Cathy and Ron were talking about bee keeping.  After hashing it around for a while we decided that keeping bees might be a cool thing. Good for the environment, the bees need help, and as a bonus are gardens will do well and we get some honey out of the deal. After some research we decided to enrol in a beekeeping class in Tsawwassen, (a suburb of Vancouver). We contact Urban Bee Supplies and got our selves set up […]

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