Little Corn – Day 8

Carolyn and I headed out for a dive site called Yellow Tail while Meghan started her confined water training.

The dive was good; saw a nurse shark and a midnight parrot fish and a large school of barracuda. Our second dive was back at white holes again. This time we saw 4 nurse sharks, a sting ray and a few huge schools of smaller fish.
Once we got back to the hotel we decided to go have lunch. Just as we were leaving Meghan had her break and came to join us. We were about ¾ of the way through lunch when Meghan started feeling rotten. She had to postpone the afternoon session as I think she has some sun stroke due to being in the water all morning. Hopefully a good cool shower and a nap will have her feeling better for tomorrow.

After Meghan’s nap she was feeling much better, a couple of powerade’s and a dinner and she looks much better. Carl, (from the dive shop) offered her some aloe for her skin that she is going to put on tomorrow.
Nice smooth trunk fish