Little Corn – Day 12

Dove a new site today called Phil’s place. Deeper dive – 85 feet or so; nothing spectacular on this dive, pretty but a bit ho hum, I guess we are getting spoiled.
The second dive was one we have done before called Yellow Tail. The difference today is that the buoy has disappeared and they were not able to drop us right on top of the site and our dive master could not find it. So it was a fairly boring dive – until about ½ way though when a adult remoras showed up with a juvenile remora.

(Remoras are the fish that hang on to sharks and follow them around) Â The adult was about 22-24 inches long was following and swimming within 2 inches of us. It was very cool watching them go around. However near the end of the dive the juvenile decided it should clean my scab on my leg. Ouch, it hurts being cleaned by a remoras. Kind of cool, but I think it was a tad too familiar with me.

We went to the local pizza place again for lunch, then the girls were off to the beach and I was off to update the blog.

We had arranged to meet at 6:30 for dinner and headed off to try the Oasis. We were presented with the menu and we made our selections. Meghan and Carolyn were going to have Lobster and I was going to have stake. The waitress arrived and we gave her our order she said, “no, only hamburgers”.

That really limited our choices. We decided to go to the Cuban restaurant again. So we walked down there only to find out it was closed. Plan C. Try the “Cool Spot” restaurant we had not tried yet.
Although they had no lobster, we were able to get something we wanted. (Shrimp for Meghan and Carolyn and Beef for me) It was tasty and pretty cheap, how can you go wrong with beer being $1.00.
After dinner it was off to bed. Early boat tomorrow as we are heading for Blowing Rock, apparently the best dive in the islands, but it’s an hour boat ride away.
Your remora story sounds a bit like my dad’s Harry the Humper story!