Big Corn to Home – Day 15

We had to be at the airport by 7:10, so it was an early morning and breakfast. The continental breakfast that came with the room was a bit more substantial that I thought it would be – eggs, fruit, toast and coffee.
Once breakfast was over Carolyn and I went to the office to settle the bill. Not that this was a really expensive place to stay, but I think our place on Little Corn was really cheap. This one night cost of ¼ of what the 13 nights on Little Corn cost us.
Once the taxi was at the hotel and our stuff was creatively loaded up into the trunk of this car which on a good day could not hold 1 ½ of our bags; let alone all three of them, we were off. The airport was only a short 4 or 5 minute ride away.

At the airport we checked our bags and had to pay the overweight charge (they only allow 30 lbs of checked bags, you try going away for two weeks with scuba stuff and keep it 30 lbs or less, unless you are going to a nude resort it is not possible. Once they have your checked bags you have to get on the scale with your carry on bags so they can weigh you; yes you have to stand on the scale, it’s kind of weird but I guess they need to know the plane can take off with the weight on board.

Ok, it is 7:30 in the morning now, but it is our last day, so the girls decided it is time for a beer. Hell why not right? The plane arrived and I think some of us were happy it was the larger plane not the tiny one we came on.
After a quick touchdown in Blue fields we were off to Managua. In the Managua airport we had just enough time to check our bags, brows the tourists shops, go to the loo and head though security.

The flights from Managua to Houston and then Houston to Seattle were long but uneventful, I was glad to have rented some movies on my iPod so I could watch in transit. The Seattle plane was old school, no video screens on the plane at all.
In Seattle we went to the baggage claim area and I enquired about reporting my lost had and seeing about getting it back, we got our bags and headed for the bus pick up areas.
Once we crossed over to the bus area we got lucky. The bus for our parking area was just loading up so we hopped on. So last on, first off, first ones to get our car at the other end; sweet we were going to be on the road on the last part of the trip home.
After a quick stop at McDonalds for a large coffee and food we were on the road. The I-5 was clear sailing for about 10 min and then we came to a construction zone from hell. 4 lane highway narrowed down to one lane for about 25 km. It sure slowed us down and delayed our arrival home by about 45 min. On the bright side, it was raining in Seattle but stopped just north of the city so we did not have to deal with driving in the rain hall the way home.
The boarder crossing was a piece of cake; we were the only car there. 1:56 AM we pulled into the McCarthy’s driveway and dropped Carolyn off.  Vance and Vangie came down to say a sleepy hi and we were on our way to our place where we took in our carry on bags and left everything else in the car. We woke Jennifer up for a sleepy hello and went to bed. 2:30 AM. From a tiny Caribbean island to home in 22 ½ hours, not bad; a great trip and a life time of memorys.
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